Reinforcement calculation
Reinforcement calculator 1
Calculate di total weight a di reinforcement, its total volume, di weight a one meter an one reinforcement rod.
Based pan di known diameter an length a di reinforcement.
Reinforcement calculator 2
Calculate di total length a di reinforcement, its volume an di numba a reinforcement rods, di weight a one meter an one rod.
Based pan di known diameter an total weight a di reinforcement.
Di calculation is based pan di weight a one cubic meter a steel weh a 7850 kilograms.
Calculation a reinforcement fi build a house
Wen yuh a build a house, it is very important fi correctly calculate di amount a reinforcement fi di foundation. Wi program ago help yuh do dis. Yuh use di reinforcement calculator, knowing di weight an length a one rod, yuh can find out di total weight a di reinforcement yuh need, or di required numba a rods an dem total length. Dis data ago help yuh quickly an easily calculate di volume a reinforcement fi perform di work yuh need.
Calculation a reinforcement fi different types a foundations
Fi calculate di reinforcement, yuh need fi know di type a foundation a di house. Two common options deh yah. Dis a slab an strip foundations.
Reinforcement fi slab foundations
A slab foundation is used weh it is necessary fi install a heavy house mek outa concrete or brick wid large reinforced concrete floors pan heaving soil. Inna dis case, di foundation need reinforcement. It mek inna two belt, each a dem consist a two layers a rods weh deh perpendicular to each other.
Mek wi consider di option fi calculate reinforcement fi a slab weh side length a 5 meters. Reinforcing bars dem place at a distance a bout 20 cm fram each other. So, one side ago need 25 rods. Di rods dem nuh put pan di edges a di slab, weh mean 23 lef.
Now, knowing di numba a rods, yuh can calculate dem length. Yahso it shuda be noted seh di reinforcement rods shudn't reach 20 cm to di edge, weh mean, based pan di length a di slab, di length a each rod ago be 460 cm. Di transverse layer, provided dat di slab is square, ago be di same.
Wi need fi calculate di amount a reinforcement weh wi need fi connect both chords.
Mek wi assume seh di distance between di belts dem a 23 cm. Inna dis case, one jumper between dem ago have a length a 25 cm, since anodda two centimeters ago spen pan fastenin di reinforcement. Inna wi case, deh ago have 23 such jumpers inna a row, since dem mek inna each cell at di intersection a di reinforcement belts.
Wen wi have dis data, wi can staat calculate using di program.
Reinforcement fi strip foundation
A strip foundation is used weh a heavy house suppose to be build pan not very stable soil. Dis foundation a one ribbon a concrete or reinforced concrete weh stretch along di entire perimeter a di building an unda di main load-bearing walls. Reinforcement a such a foundation is also done in 2 belts, but due to di specifics of a strip foundation, much less reinforcement is consumed, and, therefore, it will cost less.
Di rules fi lay out reinforcement a approximately di same as fi a slab foundation. Only di rods dem shuda end already 30-40 cm fram di corner. An each jumper shuda protrude 2-4 cm beyond di rod weh it deh pan. Di calculation a vertical lintels is carried out according to di same principle as wen dem calculate di required length a reinforcement fi a slab foundation.
Please note seh inna di first an secan cases, di reinforcement haffi tek wid a margin a at least 2-5 percent.

Author of the project: Dmitry Zhitov
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