Loan calculator
Specify di amount an term a di loan, interest rates an type a payments.
Di calculator ago calculate di amount a payments, debt an cost a di loan.
More an more people a use lending services fi mek big purchases. Banks an non-banking organizations offer loans pan a variety a conditions. Wen yuh tek out a big loan, fi example, fi buy an apartment, a car, a loan fi build a house or develop yuh business, it important fi know seh yuh wi be able fi afford dis loan. Fi be confident inna choosing a particular loan program, wi suggest yuh use wi loan calculator. Enter di loan amount, di loan repayment period in months an di interest rate inna di appropriate fields, an also indicate di type a payments - annuity or differentiated, an yuh can find out weh part a di loan payments go fi pay off di debt, an weh part go fi pay off interest pan di loan, di balance a yuh debt by month, di amount a overpayment, both per month an fi di entire loan term, an di real interest rate pan di loan.
Differentiated payments
Wid a differentiated method fi repaying loan debt, di loan amount is divided into equal shares. Dem shares yah mek up di bulk a yuh monthly payments. Di remainder represent interest pan di unpaid balance a di loan. So, month by month di amount a payments decrease.
Dis method fi pay a loan have disadvantages.
Di main one is dat a loan wid dis method a debt repayment is more difficult fi obtain.
Di bank haffi calculate di maximum loan amount based pan weda di borrower can pay di first installments. Dis mean seh fi get such a loan yuh need fi have a fairly high income. Inna some cases, collateral or di involvement a guarantors or co-borrowers can help.
Wan neks disadvantage is dat di first half a di repayment period is particularly difficult fi di borrower. If wi a talk bout a big loan, dis can become a heavy burden fi di borrower. But inna di future dis disadvantage can turn into an advantage. Inflation an falling interest rates mek payments less an less burdensome.
Annuity payments
Wid di annuity method fi repaying a loan, not only di amount a di debt is divided into equal parts, but also di interest pan it fi di entire loan term. So, di borrower pay equal installments throughout di entire payment period.
Tudeh, dis payment method is used by most commercial banks.
Di main disadvantage a annuity payments is dat di amount a overpayment pan di loan ago be higher dan wid a differentiated system.
In addition, di annuity payment system assume seh inna di fos half a di loan term yuh pay mainly interest pan di loan. Di principal amount a debt fi dis period remain almost untouched.
If yuh waan tek out a loan fi a big amount an yuh no plan fi pay it back prematurely, a loan wid an annuity payment system is suitable fi yuh.
Inna ada cases, especially wen it come to long-term lending, it better fi choose a bank weh offer loans wid differentiated payments.

Author of the project: Dmitry Zhitov
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