Paint consumption calculator
X - Wall width.
Y - The height of the wall.
A - Width of door or window.
B - The height of the door or window.
Online payment options.
The calculator allows you to calculate the required amount of paint, enamel or other paints and varnishes.
Taking into account the number of layers and paint consumption per square meter.
When calculating, you can subtract the dimensions of window or door openings from the wall area.
How to use the calculation.
Indicate the paint consumption per square meter, in grams. R
Specify the dimensions of the wall. If necessary, indicate the dimensions of the window or door.
Specify the number of layers. N
Enter the weight of one can of paint.
Click the Calculate button.
As a result of the calculation, you can find out:
The area of each wall and the required amount of paint, in kilograms.
Total wall area and total amount of paint.
As a result of the calculation, drawings of each wall are generated.

Author of the project: Dmitry Zhitov
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